I heard the song Shine by Years and Years and immediately I get an inspiration to write today. The lyrics that sent me an instant inspiration were
Don´t leave me behind, Can you see me I´m shining
And it´s you that I´ve beeen waiting to find
I´m holding it all tonight I´m folding it all tonight
You know that you make it shine
You are the one I´ve been waiting to find.
So an angel comes in with this message and he says he is archangel Jeremiel. He is the angel of the miracle mindset which brings in abundance and blessings.
Image source: The Angel Guide Oracle by Kyle Gray
He says the fastest way to have this mindset is to choose to shine. This means that you choose to stop watching videos or television that are negative, you stop talking badly about others but especially yourself. Try to shift your thought patterns. If it is going to rain the rest of week but is not raining today tell yourself and the universe that you are grateful for the sunny day you have.
Send blessings to people as you pass them on the street or online. They don´t have to know about it. The more light you give to others the more you will get it back from the universe. Don´t hide your light anymore, don´t minimize the good you do by telling yourself it isn´t much. Tell yourself I am becoming the light I want to see in the world. The more you believe that, the more it becomes your story, your reality. Never underestimate the power of shining love and positive thoughts into the world.
You don´t need to look externally to find goodness in the world. A single person sending love and light is a strong force for positive change. Imagine what we could do in the world if we all taught this mindset to our children? Humans who know how to count and receive blessings can attain the miracle mindset needed for blessings and abundance. If you are busy sending and receiving you don´t have time to live in the poverty mindset. Try it, every day send a positive thought out to a stranger and see how you feel. Bless their day and you won't regret it.
Quick Miracle Mindset Blessing to a stranger
May you have joy and love surround you today
May you have an unexpected blessing
May your worries be replaced with peace
May you be enough
And so it is
May Archangel Jeremiel help you daily,