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A message from Brigid

Writer's picture: MegMeg

For something a bit different during this week of Imbolc, I thought I would have a conversation with Brigid via automatic writing. Here are the results:

Meg (M): Hello and greetings of love and peace to you Brigid. What would you like to say today?

Brigid (B): Hello to all who are clearing and manifesting on this beautiful and sacred week. May all your endeavors that are for your highest good come to fruition.

M: What is the key to working with you?

B: Some find staring into the flame of a candle to be helpful to connect to my energy. I am the keeper of the eternal flame. This flame is the flame of inspiration and the flame of passion for new ideas. If you want a blessed home and heart, simply light a candle and ask for my energy to bless the space. For blessings of ideas and the manifestation of a deep passion or dream play any music you consider Celtic or the ones you play as you write this

(Lisa Thiel, Kellianna, Eldin, etc) are very powerful. What matters is the intention. Music, rhythms in music, and candles just add to it. Rituals help humans focus.

Image source: The Divine Feminine Oracle by Meggan Watterson

M: Do you need an altar or Brigid´s cross?

B: All intentions and offerings of the old ways are beautiful and appreciated. But one will not get less help than another because the offering or honoring is not sufficient enough. It is the strength of the intention, the thanks, and gratitude that calls me forth. The stronger the energy via a pure heart that truly wants something for the highest good the stronger my energy is felt. When you ask for the help of the light and you have light within, then we come to help.

M: Who are we?

B: I refer to the Goddess energy as a collective. The goddesses of light, love, and knowledge work together. If you call on one, several are nearby, happy to help. If you do not know which goddess to call on, just call on the goddess collective and the right or correct goddess will help if needed.

M: Do you travel with the angels?

B: The guardian angels of people will work with us if the intention is for the highest good. If you want a solution to a problem the clearest thing to ask is:

Goddesses of light, love, and knowledge, please work with my spirit team and guardian angel to solve this situation for my highest and best good. Gift me with inspiration, love, and all that I need at this time.

M: That is beautiful. Do you follow any specific rules?

B: Beings of light work collectively to help the universe bring beautiful things to fruition using the timeline of the universe. Gratitude gives us the ability to help, like angels we cannot intercede without permission. We cannot break the laws of free will. Gratitude acts as fuel. It is the energy exchange. We cannot spend money, for we are spirits. A simple thank you is celebrated deeply. It is truly interesting to see the old ways endure.

Image source: Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

M: Any last messages for today? Or perhaps a mantra?

B: To any who have manifested and cleared during the sacred days of the beginning of the month I thank you deeply for honoring my energy. My help is available to anyone who seeks it at any time. Any time you want to ask for help in helping your bright grow brighter I will help. My energy blesses all babies when they are born. This means that it is possible for anyone to ask for my help for you have all been babies. If you feel your soul getting weary, imagine me holding a candle and the flame jumps to you and gives you energy. I help both men and women, not just women. Men in touch with their divine feminine honor me as well.

M: (I then play different songs, seeing which she prefers). For mantras, I suggest the song Brighid´s Flame. Holy Water, Sacred Flame is magical as well. The text of Kellianna's version of Brighid's Flame is sacred and can be chanted. It has many I AM statements to help all.

B: It is quite good for meditation is it not?

Note: I listened to the Spotify playlist Goddess Brigid and she likes many songs there.

Here she asks me to write some of the song/chant:

I am the maiden of the flame.

I am the spark before the fire.

From Winter´s cold, I do inspire.

I am the promise of the Spring.

I am all life awakening.

Protecting all at the time of birth.

In love and safety draw them forth.

I wrap all newborns in my light.

I am the maiden dressed in white.

I am the spark before the fire.

I am the tiniest of flames.

In the darkest of nights, I am a mighty glow.

I am the maiden of the flame.

I hope you have found this blog of my channeled writing helpful. May you find inspiration in the energy of Brigid this month.

May Brigid bless all your manifestations this month,



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